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Irrigation Research Institute Roorkee Uttarakhand
"Bigger Models ..... Better Results"

Consultancy Areas ( IRI )

The IRI has facilities to undertake Research and Development activities related to hydropower and water resources projects in the following major areas:

Evolving efficient and economical hydraulic design for various engineering works viz.

Canal Structures - Head Regulators, Falls, Silt Ejector and Excluders,Cross Drainage Works.

Siting of Bridges, Barrages and Weirs.

Intake Structures, Water Conductor System, Surge Tanks, Spillways and Energy dissipation device.

Desilting Chambers.

River Training, Flood Protection and Anti-erosion Measures.


Economical design of Concrete Mixes using Flyash and Superplasticizers, Roller Compacted Concrete Ground Water Development

Conjunctive Use of Subsurface and Surface Water and Water Logging

Suitability for Canal Linings, Seepage from Canals, Tubewell

Stability due to Sub-surface flow, Water Suitability

Studies for Regeneration/Seepage of Water from Perennial Rivers

Determination of Geohydrological Parameter by Radio Active Tracer Technique.


Mathematical Modelling

Sub-surface flow,Surface flow

Hydraulic Structures


Sedimentation Studies

Hydrographic Survey of Reservoirs

Sedimentation and Sediment Transport at Intakes, Reservoirs and Channels.


Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Water Resources Development