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Irrigation Research Institute Roorkee Uttarakhand
"Bigger Models ..... Better Results"

Rock Mechanics Laboratory

Rock Mechanics Laboratory essentially deals with determination of engineering properties of the rock mass and rock material by carrying out various field and laboratory tests so as to facilitate project authorities for the safe and economical design of structure related to civil engineering and River Valley Projects.


Facilities available in the Rock Mechanics Laboratory:

(i) Laboratory Tests

  • Modulus of Elasticity & Poisson’s Ratio.
  • Unconfined Compressive Strength on Rock core specimen.
  • Shear Parameters – ‘c’ and ‘’.
  • Point Load Strength Index.
  • Water Absorption, Specific Gravity.
  • Weathering/Durability/Porosity/Soundness/Permeability Test of Natural Building Stone.

(ii) Field Tests

  • Bearing Capacity by Plate Load Test.
  • Block Shear Test for (‘c’ and ‘’).
  • Pullout Test (Anchor Bar & Rock Bolts).
  • Uniaxial Jacking Test (Modulus of Deformation).
  • Load Test for Bridges and Aqueduct.