Irrigation Research Institute Roorkee
IRI was established to carry out Research and Development work under the aegis of the U. P. Irrigation Department in the year 1928 as a small research unit in Lucknow
The success of this small unit was duly acknowledged and in 1945 activities were expanded. The expanded unit was shifted to Bahadarabad (Roorkee) in 1946, where facilities in abundance were available for the physical modeling of hydraulic structures
The Material Testing facilities include the Soil Testing, Bearing Capacity Permeability, Rock Testing like Modulus of deformation, Pull Out, Tunnel Testing, Bridge Load Test, Cement Aggregate, Testing for quality of Brick & Steel, Concrete Mix Design etc.
This institute is also engaged in the Ground Water related studies such as Conjunctive use of sub surface water and water logging, suitability of canal linings, seepage from canals, Design and Suitability of Aquifer for Tube wells, Studies for Regeneration / Seepage of water from perennial rivers and Artificial ground water recharge etc.
Chief Engineer (Design) & Director
Phone No: +91-1332-265174, Fax No: +91-1332-262487, ce@iriroorkee.res.in, info@iriroorkee.res.in
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Govt Bodies
Uttarakhand Irrigation Department
Public Service Commission Uttarakhand
Sister Organisation
Irrigation Design Organisation, Roorkee
The Central Design Directorate was established at Lucknow in the year 1961 for the specific need of undertaking the designs of major hydro projects
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Irrigation Research Institute, Roorkee, Uttarakhand
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