Chemical Laboratory
Chemical Laboratory Carry out the chemical analysis of soil and water samples. Suitability assessment of water for domestic, Irrigation and cement concrete, chemical analysis of cement, lime, pozzolana, cement concrete and other engineering material are also undertaken in the laboratory. Studies carried out on swelling pressures and electrochemical hardening of clays, soil cement for river protection works deserve special mention.
Various types of tests such as chemical analysis of OPC and PPC cement for finding out its constituents like Lime, Silica, Magnesia, Alumina, Iron and Sulphite etc., mixed proportion of cement, sand in cement mortar, and cement, sand and ballast in cement concrete samples, alkali aggregate reactivity test of aggregate samples are carried out in this laboratory. Chemical analyses of water samples for judging their suitability to be used in cement concrete. The laboratory also undertakes silt content (mg/l) in water samples and grain size distribution of silt samples. The tests are conducted with relevant Indian Standard specifications.
Facilities available in Chemical Lab:
- Chemical analyses of water samples for construction purpose.
- Chemical analysis of OPC & PPC cement.
- Chemical analysis of cement mortar/cement concrete to find out proportional ratio of its ingredients.
- Alkali aggregate reactivity test of aggregate samples.
- Determination of suspended sediment concentration in P.P.M.
- Grain size distribution of silt samples by using Puri’s Siltometer.