ce@iriroorkee.res.in | info@iriroorkee.res.in +91-1332-265174      Website Updated: 25 Jul 2024 at 09:37 AM     Employee Corner
Irrigation Research Institute Roorkee Uttarakhand
"Bigger Models ..... Better Results"


This Institute Follows the provision of RTI Act 2005.

Following are the PIO's & AO's for the different Offices.

S. No Appleatte Officer's Publioc Information Officer Concerned Office
1 Suprintending Engineer Design Circle,IDO Roorkee Executive Engineer, Design Division, IDO Roorkee for Irrigation Design Organisation Roorkee
2 Suprintending Engineer
Research Circle,IRI Roorkee
Executive Engineer      Administrative Division IRI Roorkee for Irrigation Research Institute Roorkee